Everybody wants to rule the world

Just a bit about me ^_^

Friday, September 29, 2006


For all the people who do not know what cosplay is, it's getting dressed up as an anime character. I kinda never thought that I would cosplay XD But oh well, I never thought that someone would make me a costume either ^^ Anyhow, a sweet guy I know is making two (!) costumes for me *does a I'm-going-to-cosplay-dance*. Partly it's needed because I'm going to present on one of the conventions that Holland is rich: Abunai. I sadly cannot tell you what I'm cosplaying, because I want it to be a surprise for those on the convention. But maybe I can get a photo to be post up here ^^

Anyhow, you can probably tell I'm excited, I hope everything goes well during the presentations! (I still quite haven't found out why in heavens name they had to pick me to present their events XD).

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Opening of my brand new blog!

I actually don't believe I have my own blog. Who would have known :P I even got a pink one, I just couldn't resist because it's soooo wrong XD

Well, why is my url called viefvief? That's because my name is Viviana, but everybody calls me Vief and somebody said to me a ViefVief (me reading the map for my mother) instead of a TomTom, so that's basically it. I was flattered ;)

Well, why is my site called "Everybody wants to rule the world". That's because it's a song of Tears for Fears and it was played during one of our colleges. I found it appropriate, because it makes a big part of my life, my study :P And yes if I could I think I don't want to rule the world, too much of a hassle, I'm already busy as hell :P You will clearly notice by my blogs :)

Have fun reading! ^_^