Everybody wants to rule the world

Just a bit about me ^_^

Monday, October 02, 2006

Tired *yawn*

You got these days...Pff...you just have to do lots of stuff...I'm dead tired right now, I got a hell of a weekend...Some things where fun others weren't. But it all takes time and uses energy. One thing I did was visiting my nephew (he is 11 by the way) who is very ill, or at least has a disease which causes his mussles to break down one by one. Although his fate is hard, he's such a cute guy! ^_^ Really adorable... But it hits home hard to realize he won't be there in a couple of years, such a cute guy :( I also had to finish an assigment, which was to write a case study and I still had to make a peer review to a case study and visit my uncle on sunday who became 50 that day. That was when I heared my bicycle had given up and my shoes I just bought where broken... *sighs* Anyhow, some good news, today I finished my case study and peer review and I cooked a delicious meal for my friends, which enjoyed it also :) But now....I'm tired *yawns*. To bed we go :)


  • At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    All in all dear, it looks like a "good" weekend. Good insofar that you achieved a lot. You did good dear :)

    Enjoy that piece of sleep. Then come back here and delete that piece of spam from the comments :)


  • At 12:06 PM, Blogger Viviana said…

    Done :) I changed it also in the setting page, so I can delete it entirely, at least I hope ^_^

    Thnx for leaving a messsage Cailin! ^_^

  • At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Almost weekend Vief ^^
    Enjoy your rest ^^


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